For Patients

The center aims at putting you at ease while getting a thorough evaluation to reassure you as to the health and well being of your developing fetus. This is carried out using the most up-to-date sonographic techniques, as well as blood testing under the guidelines of the Fetal Medicine Foundation. Our goal is to minimize the utilization of invasive testing and attempt to arrive at the earliest diagnosis possible in order to allow further evaluation by our consultant pediatric cardiologist and pediatric surgeon as deemed necessary. This is in order to plan the timing, mode and location of the delivery to give the baby the best possible outcome. More information is available in the pamphlets that you may download in either the English or the Arabic version.

Obstetrical Ultrasound English
click to download
Obstetrical Ultrasound Arabic
click to download

In addition, CFAFC highly recommends that all of our patients watch the educational Arabic movie 'Mabrouk' on YouTube. This is of much benefit, especially to first time mothers, as it will help prepare you and ease the transition into this most beautiful, though very challenging phase into motherhood.